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August 28, 2024


10 min read

August 28, 202410 min read

The 4th Industrial Revolution: A Hyper-Efficient, Sustainable Future

Artificial Intelligence plays a big role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution


Updating stable yet inefficient industrial practices with hyper-efficient, sustainable practices is becoming an essential business strategy to compete in the 21st century. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), characterized by rapid technological advancement, is reshaping industries worldwide.

At the heart of this transformation is a relentless focus on improving production while also reducing the resource intensity—a focus that has driven progress since the introduction of the steam engine. Today, this movement is gaining momentum through corporate sustainability initiatives, but now industrial AI applications can lead the transition to a hyperproductive and hyper efficient industrial system of the future.

The 4IR leverages cutting-edge technologies to drive energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and conserve resources, all while enabling increases in productivity on an unprecedented scale. As an inefficient modern world turns into a hyper-efficient 21st century, sustainability is no longer optional—it’s a necessity, particularly given the high volumes of global energy usage.

Understanding the 4th Industrial Revolution

Definition and Background

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) marks a significant shift in the way industry operates. Unlike previous industrial revolutions, driven by mechanical innovations or the advent of digital technology, the 4IR is characterized by the fusion of technologies that blur the lines between the mechanical and digital realms. Central to this revolution are advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics, all of which are transforming how industries function and interact with the environment.

The 4IR integrates these technologies into industrial operations, leading to smarter, more efficient, and highly automated systems. With automation as a key component, these technologies enable predictive maintenance, real-time data analysis, and autonomous decision-making. Together, they contribute to remarkable levels of efficiency and drive the shift towards industrial sustainable production.

Historical Context

To appreciate the significance of the 4IR, it’s essential to understand it in the context of previous industrial revolutions. The First Industrial Revolution, beginning in the late 18th century, introduced mechanization powered by steam engines. It led to the first wave of production via mechanical systems and not merely human labor, thus providing for a massive amount of production increase. The Second Industrial Revolution, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, brought electricity, resulting in widespread industrialization and the advent of assembly line production, which drastically increased productivity.

The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Digital Revolution, began in the mid-20th century with the rise of computers and digital technology. This period saw the automation of production processes, rapid computational capability, and the emergence of the internet, revolutionizing communication and commerce. Each of these revolutions brought significant advancements in efficiency and productivity, but none have integrated technology so deeply into the core of industrial processes as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Key Technologies

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is the cornerstone of the 4IR, enabling machines to learn from data, make decisions, and perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In industrial settings, AI is used for predictive maintenance, optimizing production processes, and managing entire supply chains, all of which are essential for advancing industrial sustainability.

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT refers to the network of physical devices and sensors connected to the internet or some operational intranet, capable of collecting and exchanging data. For most industries, IoT devices are used to monitor equipment, track resources, and gather data.

Advanced Analytics: Advanced analytics involve the use of complex algorithms and models to analyze large sets of data. This technology allows businesses to extract actionable insights from their data.

Blockchain: While often associated with cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology also plays a crucial role in the 4IR by providing secure, transparent, and decentralized record-keeping. This is particularly valuable in supply chain management, where blockchain can ensure the traceability and authenticity of products.

3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing): 3D printing allows for the potential to create customized products with minimal waste. While still in the early stages of adoption, it has shown promise in enabling rapid prototyping and reducing the need for large inventories. As this tech continues to develop, it could play a significant role in aligning manufacturing practices with the principles of industrial sustainability.

When combined, these technologies are not just enhancing existing processes but are fundamentally reshaping how industries operate, making the Fourth Industrial Revolution a pivotal moment in the history of industrial development.

Energy Efficiency in the 21st Century

Optimizing Energy Use with AI

Our modern infrastructure was built with quite a bit of redundancy and operates in a very conservative fashion. Most modern operations teams run more equipment to reduce the risk of service interruption, which has led to inefficiencies and energy waste in the systems they operate.

As the demand for energy continues to grow, reducing energy intensity in an industry like data centers has become more crucial than ever. Fortunately, industrial AI is at the forefront of optimizing energy use, offering solutions that reduce consumption while also enhancing energy efficiency.

In data centers, for example, AI-driven systems can monitor and adjust energy usage in real-time, ensuring that resources and equipment are used as efficiently as possible. However, while AI can significantly improve energy efficiency, it's important to manage the rising energy consumption associated with these advanced technologies to prevent offsetting the gains made.

Technological Innovations

While previous industrial revolutions required significant increases in energy, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) focuses on improving the balance between production and energy consumption. Instead of just enhancing energy efficiency, the emphasis is on replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear. This strategic shift can reduce emissions intensity, even if overall energy consumption remains the same.

By continuously driving for hyper-energy efficiency, industries can achieve more with less using:

  • Smart Grids: IoT and AI enable smart grids to balance supply and demand in real-time. This reduces energy loss, enhances the integration of renewable energy sources, and makes the energy grid more resilient.

  • Renewable Energy Optimization: AI and IoT are also being used to optimize renewable energy use by predicting production patterns and by managing storage to ensure effective use and reducing reliance on non-renewable sources.

  • Energy Storage Systems: Integrating AI into energy storage systems allows for hyper efficient stored energy management. The AI would help stabilize the grid by storing excess energy during low-demand periods and releasing as needed.

These strategies contribute to reducing emissions intensity. Combined with efforts to improve energy use, significant progress can be made in industrial sustainability. Trane Technologies’ Gigaton Challenge, for instance, shows how leading companies are integrating 4IR principles into their strategic planning to reduce energy and emissions intensity.

Continued Growth with Less Emissions

The 4IR is accelerating the development and adoption of green technologies within the industrial sector to enhance sustainability. Among the most promising are green hydrogen, heat capture and reuse, and Demand Response Management (also known as Virtual Power Plants).

Green hydrogen, produced by splitting water using renewable energy, offers a clean and versatile alternative to traditional fossil fuels. While its production remains energy-intensive and costly, green hydrogen has significant potential to reduce emissions in hard-to-decarbonize sectors like heavy manufacturing, making it a key player in sustainable industrial practices.

Heat capture and reuse is another critical strategy for reducing emissions and improving energy efficiency in industrial processes. Industries have long recovered heat from flue gasses, converting it into electrical energy or steam. However, significant untapped potential remains in recovering heat from high-temperature bulk solid materials. By optimizing heat capture and reuse, industries can minimize water use and enhance sustainability, particularly in high-throughput sectors like steel and cement production.

Lastly, Demand Response Management (DRM) through Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) aggregate and coordinate distributed energy resources into a single virtual entity. Resources—such as renewable generators, storage units, and controllable loads—enable more efficient and responsive energy use. VPPs leverage advanced communication and control systems that dynamically adjust energy consumption patterns based on real-time demand. This reduces peak loads and optimizes energy distribution. As industries increasingly adopt DRM and VPPs, they pave the way for smarter, more sustainable energy management practices, aligning with the broader goals of the 4IR.

Policy and Regulation

Global initiatives and regulations are increasingly focused on measuring, reporting, and enacting strategies to reduce emissions, with many governments setting ambitious targets to achieve net-zero emissions by midcentury. Policies from the European Union and various national emissions trading schemes are driving industries to begin adopting cleaner technologies and reducing their carbon footprints.

These regulations incentivize the adoption of green technologies through subsidies, tax credits, and other financial mechanisms. While still in early planning, companies are starting to implement AI-driven strategies to meet regulatory requirements and gain a competitive advantage.

For example, Volkswagen has launched a digital change across its North American manufacturing plants to incorporate AI, cloud-based software, and intelligent robotics. The goal is to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions. This change is part of a broader $1 billion investment in electric mobility and digitalization, aimed at increasing manufacturing performance by 30% by 2025 while optimizing energy use and minimizing waste.

Similarly, Merck’s implementation of Phaidra’s AI Virtual Plant Operator highlights how industrial AI can significantly enhance energy efficiency and stability, contributing to emission reduction goals. Merck showed that even highly optimized systems can achieve further improvements through AI. As a result, Phaidra helped the company meet its energy and emissions reduction objectives.

If more companies adopt similar AI-driven approaches, it’s likely we’ll see a broader impact on emission reductions across various industries.

AI’s Role in Emissions Reduction

AI could prove to be a powerful tool in the fight against climate change, particularly within industrial applications where the focus is on efficiency and sustainability.

AI has the potential to significantly lower industrial emissions with:

  • Predictive Maintenance minimizes equipment downtime and reduces the need for redundant equipment. By forecasting when a machine is likely to fail, AI ensures that maintenance is performed just in advance of failure, preventing unnecessary wear and tear. This reduces the demand for new equipment, which, in turn, eases the strain on upstream supply chains and materials and contributes to lower overall emissions.

  • Energy Optimization means using only the necessary amount of energy at the exact moment it’s needed. AI could drastically reduce energy waste. By constantly adjusting control setpoints to the most efficient levels, industries could meet production goals with minimal energy expenditure, making a significant impact on emissions reduction.

  • Process Improvements by optimizing production lines and refining processes. AI could enable industries to achieve the same or even greater outputs with fewer inputs. This would conserve resources and further contribute to emissions reduction on a normalized-for-production basis.

However, there is an irony in AI’s role in emissions reduction. While AI can help industries become more efficient and reduce emissions, the energy required to power many AI systems can contribute to higher overall energy demands. This paradox highlights the need for continuous innovation and improvements in energy efficiency to ensure that the benefits of AI outweigh its environmental costs.

It’s also crucial to distinguish between industrial AI applications and consumer-facing AI. Consumer-facing AI includes large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT. In other words, AI that individuals interact with through prompts that are either language and/or images or video. These LLMS handle massive data sets (think billions of data points) and consume considerable amounts of energy related to the computation necessary for timely output.

Industrial AI, however, typically processes smaller datasets—operational telemetry data with around 10,000+ data points—requiring significantly less computational power.

Therefore, the net positive impact of energy used for industrial AI offers substantial savings compared to the higher energy consumption with LLMs. Industrial AI focuses on sustainability and operational efficiency, whereas consumer-facing AI serves for productivity or entertainment. Hence the varying energy costs.

Ultimately, by focusing on industrial AI, companies can make meaningful strides toward industrial sustainability. Energy used to power these systems leads to a net positive impact on emissions reduction and can dramatically reduce the energy intensity of industrial operations.


CEO of Phaidra, Jim Gao, is interviewed on Sequoia Capital's podcast, "Training Data," about AI's role in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Industrial Sustainability = Radical Resource Conservation

Sustainable resource conservation requires the rational use, management, and preservation of natural resources. One of the most effective strategies for supporting sustainability on an industrial level is by integrating circular economy principles directly into the product design through the use of AI-driven systems.

The concept of a circular economy is central to the future of resource conservation in the 4IR. Unlike the traditional linear economy, which follows a “take, make, dispose” model, the circular economy aims to keep products in use for as long as possible. These principles involve designing products, equipment, and even buildings with modularity and longevity in mind. This allows them to be easily updated, repaired, or repurposed as tech advances or components wear out.

If AI can be leveraged to design products with modular components, industries would be able to replace or upgrade without requiring complete overhauls. A real-life example is the Fairphone—a modular smartphone that allows users to replace outdated or malfunctioning parts, thus extending the product’s lifecycle and reducing electronic waste.

Applying similar principles would allow AI to help companies adapt more practical sustainability principles. They’d create products that are inherently more sustainable, reduce waste downstream and minimize the demand for raw materials upstream.

Several companies have embraced circular economy principles through sustainable manufacturing, recycling, and waste reduction practices that drive long-term sustainability. For example, Adidas has adopted digital light synthesis additive manufacturing to produce complex designs with significantly less material, reducing its carbon footprint by optimizing and recycling in its production processes.

Various industries are looking to implement sustainability practices that prioritize resource efficiency. By adopting closed-loop systems, waste materials are returned to the production cycle, minimizing energy and resource usage. These practices not only reduce operational costs but also contribute to net positive change, making them economically viable in the long term.

AI plays an increasingly important role in advancing resource conservation. AI-driven systems can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends in resource consumption, enabling companies to make more informed decisions about material use and further support industrial sustainability. So it is likely that with circular economy principles, AI can help industries design modular products that could reduce the reliance on throwing away an old item to replace with a completely new one.

The Future of Sustainability in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) continues to evolve, emerging technologies will play a crucial role in enhancing sustainability.

Some technologies stand out for their potential to drive efficiency and improve transparency:

  • Digital Twins: A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical system that allows for real-time monitoring, simulation, and optimization. By creating a digital counterpart of an industrial process or product, companies can test scenarios, predict outcomes, and optimize performance without the need for physical trials.

  • AI Platform Development: AI systems are advanced machine learning networks designed to help best determine what needs to happen in order to produce a desired output. Similar to how Phaidra optimizes energy for thermal stability, these systems can be adapted to incorporate goals, such as water optimization in data centers located in water-stressed regions. Adequate sensor coverage and control capabilities would reduce resource consumption, increasing practical sustainable practices with AI.

  • Blockchain: This burgeoning technology provides a secure and transparent way to track and verify resource transactions, making it invaluable in supply chain management. By ensuring the traceability of materials and products, companies can more easily adhere to sustainable practices, reduce waste, and build consumer trust in their environmental claims. Additionally, blockchain can support the circular economy by enabling efficient recycling and reuse of materials through verified chains of custody.

Beyond their individual applications, these technologies can integrate to create interconnected systems that operate holistically. The convergence of AI, IoT, digital twins, blockchain, and other technologies enables a level of coordination and efficiency that was previously unattainable.

For example, AI can analyze data from IoT sensors embedded in a smart factory, feeding that information into a digital twin to simulate different production scenarios. Blockchain can then verify the authenticity of materials used, ensuring that every step of the process adheres to sustainability standards. This interconnected system embeds sustainability practices throughout the entire production cycle.

As these technologies mature and become more integrated, industries will be able to operate with minimal waste, optimal resource use, and a significantly reduced environmental impact. However, one major challenge in achieving this vision is the redundancy built into many modern systems. While redundancy has been essential for safety and reliability, it puts a considerable strain on upstream supply and leads to excessive resource use.

The 4IR offers the tools to reduce this redundancy by providing precision control systems that can dynamically adapt and respond in real-time, faster and more accurately than a human operations team. By using stable and reliable machine learning-based control systems, the need for redundancy can dramatically ease the strain on resources required for building equipment and materials.

By continuously innovating and integrating new technologies, the 4IR will enable industry to push the boundaries of what is possible in sustainability. To truly advance, we must reimagine how industry operates, with sustainability as a core principle rather than an afterthought.

Challenges and Governance in the 4IR

As the 4IR advances, it introduces significant governance challenges that must be addressed to fully realize its potential for sustainability. One key challenge is ensuring that data generated by AI, IoT, and other technologies can be effectively utilized while maintaining secure and standardized access across industries.

The success of 4IR technologies depends on seamless interoperability—being able to exchange or check information—between different systems and platforms. It requires the establishment of coherent policies and industry standards to facilitate collaboration and data sharing. Developing these industry-wide standards is crucial for maximizing the benefits of these technologies, allowing data from various sources to be integrated and used efficiently while maintaining system integrity.

Preparing industrial data historians for proper use is another critical step in this process. Clean, accurate, and accessible data is essential for effective AI implementation. Being AI-ready involves integrating, refining and cleaning existing data while establishing best practices to support long-term goals.

The 4IR offers a unique opportunity to harness technological innovations for sustainability, but it also requires careful consideration of broader societal impacts. As we integrate new technologies, it’s essential to rethink how these advancements can enhance societal well-being. This balance extends to the dual challenges of rising energy demands and the need for responsible governance. As AI and other technologies become more integral, it is crucial to develop policies that minimize their environmental impact.

Addressing Broader Societal Risks

AI and other 4IR technologies bring broader societal considerations that require proactive governance. One significant challenge is ensuring that technological advancements contribute positively to society, such as by creating new opportunities for employment rather than displacing jobs. In mission-critical facilities, Phaidra’s virtual plant operator acts as an assistant to existing operators, allowing them to work uninterrupted on high-value tasks.

It’s also important to consider AI’s role in shaping public discourse. AI needs to be used responsibly to enhance society collectively rather than undermine community trust. Responsible use supports societal well-being and sustainability. It needs to balance efficiency with social responsibility.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is redefining industries with advanced technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain, driving new levels of efficiency and sustainability. The 4IR encourages sustainable industrial practices by encouraging companies to enhance their processes with energy efficiency, emission reduction, resource conservation, and sustainability for a net positive change.

AI is a potentially crucial element in achieving the 4IR’s sustainability goals. And the economic and environmental benefits are tangible advantages companies can achieve.

As we embrace these innovations, it’s essential to prioritize sustainability in every decision. The 4IR offers a unique opportunity to shape a better future for our planet and future generations. By integrating these technologies into your operations, you can lead the way in creating a more sustainable, resilient industrial landscape.


AI Readiness Checklist: Operational Data Collection & Storage Best Practices

Download our checklist to improve your facility’s data habits. Whether you are preparing for an AI solution or not, these will help increase the value of your data collection strategies.

Featured Expert

Learn more about one of our subject matter experts interviewed for this post


Ben Tacka

Business Development Lead

As Business Development Lead, Ben is responsible for identifying the best fit partner organizations for Phaidra to work with. Prior to joining Phaidra, Ben was a member of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (CEES) at Trane Technologies. Ben holds an MBA from the Sustainable Innovation MBA program at the University of Vermont and a Bachelor’s in Manufacturing Engineering from Boston University. 
Reach out to see if your organization is a good fit for Phaidra’s services: ben.tacka@phaidra.ai


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